Got Your (Financial and Legal) Ducks in a Row?
Please join us for a Zoom Presentation: “Creating and Maintaining Your Critical Legal and Financial Documents”
Wednesday, Feb. 24, at 5:00 pm
brought to you by Raleigh Village East
During this shutdown time, many of us have sorted through our papers (or at least thought about doing that), examined our financial situation, thought about “what if….” And maybe some of us have made additional plans for our future. But, do we have it all figured out and in place? And what if we are in the hospital and our kids or a designated person has to sort it all out? Can they find everything without doing an archeology search?
On Wednesday, February 24 at 5:00 PM, Jessica Evans, Senior Vice-President of Trust Services, State Employees Credit Union (SECU), will walk us through what we should have on hand, how we can organize our affairs, and how we can set up our documents so that a designated person can access them.
Neighbor Jim Johnson will be introducing our speaker. Jim, who has served on the SECU Board, told us about the credit union’s education branch and made the arrangements for the program, and we designated the topic.
After the 30-40 minute presentation we will have time for some questions, so please join us. If you need help setting up Zoom, send an email message to Zoom link will be sent a few days before session.
Note: This program is a public service and not a promotion for SECU. The credit union has
committed to playing a significant role in educating the citizens of NC about financial affairs.