The Ageless Home: Making Your Home Safer and More Livable
Tuesday, October 27, at 5:00 PM
A Zoom Presentation and Discussion with Jay Beaman and Melissa Birdsong.
One of the keys to staying in your home as you age is having a place that works for you when there are health or mobility issues. Some people think they have to move to a retirement place, but many are learning that there are ways to modify a home to make it work, and doing that costs a lot less.
Join us as two professionals who live in our area highlight some of the changes you can make so that your home is liveable for the duration. And stay on to ask your questions.
Jay Beaman's path into the home building business came after a decade as a researcher working in life sciences. He was predisposed to the idea of a home being a collection of "systems" that all contributed to the well-being of the house and the quality of life for its inhabitants. Jay became immersed in the concept of "Green Building" which focused on energy efficiency, sustainability, and indoor comfort. Accessibility and Universal Design were important parts of that discipline.
Melissa Birdsong's early career as an interior designer often involved working with clients on residential remodeling projects where she focused on understanding their specific needs and objectives, problem-solved around existing situations and delivered user-based solutions that made their homes work better for them. Later, through her work at Lowe's, she found an opportunity to reach a national audience with information about accessibility, Universal Design, ease of use and home safety via consumer education, product and program development and collaboration with national brands and educational institutions.
- Sara Stohler for Raleigh Village East
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